Self-Awareness Therapy, Meditation, Mindfulness, Inner Peace, Enlightenment – Jon Shore

Welcome to Meditation, Mindfulness, Spiritual Psychology and Enlightenment

Posted by in Dealing with emotions, Dealing with human attributes, Dealing with life issues, Depression, Enlightenment, Mindfulness, Spirit Release Therapy


To post a question just click on the Comment button below. I will be informed that you have posted a question. I will always do my best to come back to you within 48 hours.

If your question is too personal in nature or you would just rather not ask it in public you can contact me directly at


I look forward to hearing from you.

I am listening.

Take care



Mindfulness and Depression

Posted by in Depression, Enlightenment, Meditation, Mindfulness

Depression is extremely prevalent in our society and often under diagnosed. It is fortunate that the stigma attached to it has lessened so that those who are dealing with depression are more likely…

Source: Mindfulness and Depression

To post a question just click on the Comment button below. I will be informed that you have posted a question. I will always do my best to come back to you within 48 hours.

If your question is too personal in nature or you would just rather not ask it in public you can contact me directly at