Psychotherapy, Self-Awareness, Mindfulness, Meditation, Fulfillment and Inner Peace

egret-summer-burtnieks-latvia-2016-150dpi-0573-ptrsq-4The articles, practices and resources here are about Mental Health, Wellness,  Fulfillment, Self-Awareness Psychotherapy, Mindfulness, Meditation, Inner Peace and Living a Successful, Fulfilling life. Here are writings and self-care tools for dealing with depression, stress and other emotional and mental health issues. Also here is information on how to work with me as a therapist.

I have been a seeker, explorer and student and then a psychotherapist, teacher, advisor, coach, entrepreneur, researcher and author for over four decades. My drive in life has always been to support and help others. I have been through and overcome many of the difficulties and struggles that life can present including depression, loss, illness, confusion and anxiety. My insatiable curiosity has led me to explore and study a myriad of psychotherapeutic modalities, tools and philosophies as well as non-traditional areas like altered states of consciousness, mind/body relationships and spirituality. If you are looking for more information on these topics please look through the articles and posts here. You may find some of the answers you have been seeking. If there is something you wish to know that is not discussed here please feel free to contact me.

There is a great deal of information here about depression, low self-esteem, stress related disorders and anxiety and how to overcome them using a therapeutic approach I call Self-Awareness Therapy. All of this information comes from my own and my clients’ experiences. All of the suggestions, practices and tasks have been tested hundreds of times and been proven to work. I am more than happy to answer your questions and to discuss depression with you in more depth.

If you are interested in Self-Awareness Therapy and how I work I have posted this explanatory article on how I work and what to expect in therapy with me. 

Self-Awareness Therapy is especially effective for;

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress and stress related disorders
  • PTSD
  • Trauma
  • Phobias
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Addictions
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Relationship and family issues
  • Experiencing inner peace and fulfillment
  • Emotions around health issues
  • Weight and eating issues
  • Developing self-awareness
  • Innovative thinking
  • Improving management skills
  • Creative problem solving
  • Human resources counseling
  • Increasing empathy and interaction skills
  • Spiritual seeking


If you have an issue that you need help with and if you feel the desire or need to speak with me I am available for private sessions via Skype.  

I am available for workshops and lectures about Rising above Chaos, Experiencing Enlightenment, Meditation, Mindfulness, Inner Peace, Innovation, Empathy, Dealing with Emotions and Self Awareness as well as applications for this in business and personal life. I am even able to participate in these events online. Feel free to contact me if you would like to have me involved in such an event.

I also work with various organizations, businesses, government agencies and individuals on human resource issues, innovation, marketing psychology and geopolitical issues. My skill set allows me to have a 30,000 foot overview of the emotions and mindset of individuals and groups of people. It usually does not provide for granular details or absolutes since there are so many probabilities but it does often give me accurate insights on trends and future events with a high probability of occurring. I believe it is just a confluence of my deep empathy, intelligence, critical thinking skills and philosophy. Contact me if you would like to discuss enlisting my skills in these areas. 

It is truly my joy to answer questions and to write articles to help as many people as possible. While I will continue doing this and provide all of this material for free it would be really great, if you need any, to download meditations, music, nature recordings or books from my website to support my efforts. 

If you have any questions you are most welcome to send them to me. I will do my best to answer them as soon as possible. Now and then I even answer questions in a video. You can ask a question by posting it as a comment or you can send it through the contact form or by email. Remember, if you post your questions as a comment on the site your questions will be public for all to see and to learn from so it you are asking something very personal you might want to contact me directly. Also, please do not insert any URL’s into your posts. They will be deleted.

I have created 2 YouTube Channels for you. I will be creating and publishing new videos as often as possible so please subscribe if you would like to know when new videos are posted.


A channel for spiritual teachings called Practical Spirituality at:

A channel for Meditation and Mindfulness videos:

instagramFollow me on Instagram: @enlight10ment. I look forward to seeing you there.

I am listening.

All photographs are by me and are available for license or sale at They are all copyrighted and cannot be used without permission.

If you are interested in re-posting or re-printing any of the articles at this blog please feel free to contact me Contact Jon Shore

If you feel inspired, you are welcome to donate to support work on this site and to helping those in emotional, psychological and spiritual need.