4 – Meditation To Experience Being
This is a meditation you can use to experience Enlightenment. It is essential to have worked with some of my previous meditations to get the most from this one.
Practice this meditation slowly. Take your time. Experience it fully. It might help to record it and listen back to it.
Once you have practiced this meditation you should use this process many times every day. To be ‘successful’ at this practice there must be absolutely nothing more important to you than Being. Nothing more important to you than feeling and Being your real Self. Nothing.
After accomplishing this you must live it. Be It.
Get yourself into a comfortable position. Either sitting up or lying down.
Now take a full deep breath and as you release the breath; let your eyes close. Take 6 more deep breaths and as you release them just let
yourself relax. Use the meditation experiences you have had in the previous meditations to relax yourself deeply and to detach yourself from thoughts and emotions as well as sounds and physical experiences.
Now pay close attention to all the sounds around you.
Pay close attention to all the physical feelings around you.
Pay close attention to all the emotions in your body and around you.
None of these are who you are.
Experience that as much as possible.
Now contemplate the idea that the one who is watching all of this. The one who is seeing all of this. The one who is meditating, Is not you.
Step back. If this is not you, then what are you? Who are you?
Step back and be the one watching the meditator.
Look at the one meditating.
Look at the one attempting to transcend suffering.
Look at that one closely.
Look at its life in all aspects.
It is not you but it is interesting to see and experience.
Take your time doing this. Do it slowly and carefully. Pay attention to everything. Judge nothing.
Now step back again. The one looking at the meditator is not you, it is not who you are. If this is not who and what you are then who and
what are you?
Pay attention to what that one feels like.
Surrender to it. Melt into it. Dissolve into it.
Now step back again. The one surrendering, the one attempting to experience Enlightenment, the one melting; is not who you are.
If this is not who you are then who and what are you?
What is left? Who is left? Feel that one. Be that one.
Now keep stepping back. Keep stepping back until there is nothing left of you. Keep stepping back until there is nothing left.
No meditator.
No consciousness.
No one.
No light and no dark.
No peace and no suffering.
No life and no death.
No one.
This is what and who you are. You have never been anything else. You have never suffered. You have never been born and you have never
died. You have never been and will never be anything but this One. Nothing has or will ever change this. You are unchanging,
ever present, immortal Being. You have never been away from This. You have never been anything other than This and never could be.
Be yourSelf now.
Companion mp3: Dissolving the Shadows, http://www.jonshore.net/inspirationaltapes.html
© 2016 Jon Shore
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