What is Meant by the Word ‘Remembering’? A Question Answered
Spiritual Awakening is remembering who and what you are.
Could you maybe go into what is meant with the word “remembering” a little deeper? And what is not meant with it? 🙂
The most confusing part is often the habit of the mind trying to “do it right”. Experiencing false identification with the thought “I am not that”, so to speak.
Very easy when in a state of clarity, very hard when in a state of delusion. Like when waking up at night…
An interesting question Tom.
Remembering is the best word in English that I could come up with. The fact is that the Self, the One who you already are, does not need to remember anything. It is and always has been aware of ItSelf as the Infinite Ocean of Consciousness.
But when referring to the experience of a human being experiencing Enlightenment or Awakening it does feel like remembering for a few moments. Then as the personality dissolves so does the illusion of remembering.
For me it was like a huge joke that I just got. “Of course!! I have always been this Consciousness. I have never been anything else. All that drama, struggle, ups and downs were all an illusion. I am untouched by any of it. I am still the same One. I have never been away. I have never been lost, struggling, searching or finding. I have always been this same One just being the Observing of all life. I have always been this Awareness. Nothing has changed”. And I smiled.
So, as usual, it is a paradox. Jon, Tom, Maria, Anaya and everyone else appears to remember who and what they are. But the fact is that the Consciousness Being Jon, Tom Maria, Anaya and everyone else never forgot. The Infinite Ocean of Consciousness has always been the Awareness of all life and all experiences.
And who is the one that is Aware you might ask? I use the term God or Creator. I can tell you from experience that the One who is aware is not me. I am just the Awareness, the Consciousness of the Creator, nothing of myself.
As you mentioned, the one who is struggling, searching, frustrated or lost is not who you are. It could never be who you are. That is impossible. But only after surrendering and dissolving the ‘me’ who is trying to understand all of this do we remember that. True understanding only comes after surrender. Not before.
It is not easy putting these thoughts and experiences into writing and language. Language itself is limiting. I hope there is some semblance of clarity here.
There are quite a few articles here that explore this in more depth. Feel free to study those as well or reach out.
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Take care
Thank you so much, Jon! Very helpful. It only feels as remembering the first moments. After that, you know that to have been an illusion.
That’s why it’s so hard to see through when thoughts are spinning real fast. No time to see it all pass…