About Jon & Private Sessions

I truly enjoy helping others.
Whether it entails being free of depression, finding inner peace and fulfillment, or improving your business performance.

My formal education and training is in psychology and I have spent over 40 years as a psychotherapist specializing in depression, trauma, anxiety, mind/body relationship, stress related disorders, low self esteem, spirituality, finding fulfillment and inner peace. During that time I developed Self-Awareness Therapy. In 1978 I began producing and recording guided meditations and these are available today at this website and at  www.lightunlimitedpublishing.com.

After my own experience with depression I spent many years in practice helping people be free of depression using Self-Awareness Therapy as well as lecturing on these topics around the world. I have done hundreds of trainings, lectures and workshops on meditation, mindfulness, relaxation, stress reduction, innovation, enhanced performance and many other topics for organizations, corporations and government entities. 

Private Counseling Sessions with Jon

I am available for private counseling sessions, support, coaching, consulting, workshops, trainings and lectures. You are welcome to contact me here. My specialties include: depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, stress and stress related disorders, meditation, mindfulness, insomnia, weight loss, self-image, spirituality, self-awareness, enlightenment, inner peace, fulfillment, improved performance in all areas of life, getting beyond limitations, accessing creativity and innovations at will.

I have also posted more information on this page regarding how I work and my philosophy regarding therapy and counseling. Jon Shore


Self-Awareness Therapy is especially effective for;

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress and stress related disorders
  • PTSD
  • Phobias
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Addictions
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Sleep disorders
  • Experiencing inner peace and fulfillment
  • Relationship and family issues
  • Emotions around health issues
  • Weight and eating issues
  • Developing self-awareness
  • Innovative thinking
  • Improving management skills
  • Human resources consulting
  • Increasing empathy and interaction skills
  • Spiritual seeking

How I work

My background includes trainings in many therapeutic modalities and techniques, from more traditional psychotherapy to more esoteric psychotherapies as well as work with altered states of consciousness, clinical hypnosis and mind/body research. I have an MA in psychology and over 40 years of both clinical and private practice experience. I have created, recorded and published many guided meditations, relaxing music audios, lecture videos, written a number of books, lectured and done workshops all over the world.

Therapy sessions are usually 1 hour but may go over a bit periodically. The cost per session is $200 USD. If you need to postpone, reschedule or cancel the session you can do so for a full refund any time as long as you do so at least 24 hours before the scheduled session. After that refunds are not possible. In an emergency a session can be rescheduled without any penalty. Sessions are usually conducted securely via Skype but can also be conducted on WhatsApp. Before the session be sure you have a stable internet connection and have tested your device and camera. I will provide you with other connection details after you schedule the session.

Before scheduling a private session with me please read some of the articles at this website to get a sense of my approach to counseling, support, coaching and trainings. Especially read this article about Self-Awareness Therapy and this one on how I work.

Also, when you sign up and pay for your private session please download and fill in this information form to the best of your ability and then send to me at reachout@lifesanswers.org. Your private information will always be held in the strictest confidence. No one will see it but me.
Download Form: Private Session Information Form ne

If you would prefer an encrypted form please email me and request the form after you have signed up for the session. I will then send you the encrypted form and password.

Purchase your session with Jon by clicking the button

Session with Jon Shore
Your Email Address:

After making the payment for the session just write to me and let me know your time zone, location and what times might be good for you. Also let me know what you would like to work on. Payment must be made before the session. I usually schedule sessions between 07:00 – 16:00 EET. Currently I am based in Riga, Latvia, Eastern European Time but work with clients all over the world. No matter where you are we will find a mutually acceptable time for your sessions.

More about Jon 

My clinical background includes working at Johns Hopkins and various hospitals and clinics in the US. I have lectured in the North America and Europe on a number of topics including; depression, psychotherapy, psychology, meditation, mindfulness, altered states in the therapeutic process, mental health in world events and spirituality. I grew up without any particular religious tradition. At a very young age I became fascinated with religion and spirituality. I spent 32 years of my life searching for Enlightenment and at 40 found what I had been seeking. During those years I studied most of the world’s major religions and many spiritual practices with some great teachers. 

Ever since I can remember I have been able to feel the feelings of others. Not just the superficial emotions but every layer of consciousness – superficial emotions and beliefs, sub-conscious, even to the unconscious and the spirit. Today this is called ‘hyper-empathy‘. Over the years thousands of people have asked me to look deeply inside them and to let them know what I see and feel in them. I suppose I am being a mirror that reflects back everything you feel and everything you are to your very depths. I found that I can do this even if the person is not present. I have done this in counseling sessions, clinical settings, board rooms, court rooms and offices. I can do this with individuals and groups. I have even been able to use this ability to accurately predict reactions to new products or political strategies. I do not consider this special, strange or unusual, just a normal ability I have always had. 

For the past 20 years I have also been involved in the business world as an entrepreneur, innovator and advisor but have continued my psychotherapy practice and spiritual practices and even incorporated them into my work. 

If you are interested in my applying my skill set for your company or your personal performance you can read more about my business advisory services and contact me at contact@corporateconsulting.net or at my business advisory services website: http://www.corporateconsulting.net/

You can learn more about my guided meditations, music and books at http://www.lightunlimitedpublishing.com.

You can now also see videos of questions, answers and talks at my YouTube channel

I will be creating and publishing new videos as often as possible so please subscribe if you would like to know when new videos are posted.

A channel for spiritual teachings called Practical Spirituality at: www.practical-spirituality-videos.com


instagramYou can also follow me on Instagram @enlight10ment. There I post inspirational posters which you can also download here at no charge.

I am listening.

If you feel inspired, you are welcome to donate to support work on this site
and to helping those in emotional, psychological or spiritual need.