Self-Care Books by Jon Shore
The methods and practices outlined in these books have been tested and proven to be effective over the course of many years by hundreds of clients, patients and others. Change and healing are seldom easy or fast but they can be achieved with commitment and work. These books are designed to be self-care tools that you can use all your life.
You can purchase any of my books by just clicking on the cover.
Freedom From Suffering
A 14 Step approach to changing your life and overcoming suffering, pain, anger, fear, depression, anxiety and other disorders.
Also available at Amazon in Kindle format and Paperback
Freiheit von Depression
Available at Amazon
Freedom From Depression
Audio Book
The 14 Step path to overcoming depression. Best if used with the Freedom From Suffering book.
The Mindful Diet Program
A great way to lose weight, reverse Type 2 Diabetes and to learn to eat and cook mindfully.
Also available at Amazon in Kindle format and in Paperback.